Grilled Shrimp Boil

Hey friends! Remember that time I started a blog? Yeah? Okay, cool. First off, sorry guys for the extreme gap between posts! Life has been a little crazy and as the weather has warmed up, I’m finding myself more and more outside with the pup (and Darrell) and less time behind a computer all evening!!

So I’ve got a list on my phone of lots of posts I eventually want to make about some recipes we’ve tried over the last couple months and I hope to get caught up on that soon. But despite the list of recipes I should be blogging about for this first post back, I am skipping to the latest recipe we’ve tried because it was JUST. SO. GOOD!

The grill Darrell purchased on Black Friday last year has been assembled and we’ve been making great use of it! We try to plan our weekly dinner menu around the forecast as much as possible to take advantage of this additional cooking option.

When I came across this Grilled Shrimp Boil recipe from Delish, I immediately sent it to Darrell and said, “I think we should have this for dinner! I’ll go to Kroger tonight and get everything!!”

Who else likes a good shrimp boil? I honestly have only had one once, when I visited my friend Kourtney and her husband Andrew when they lived in Mississippi a few years back. I loved it! It was more of a true shrimp boil and it was so tasty. BUT it’s been a few years since I ate that and I think this grilled version was pretty darn close if not just as good!

Okay, I’m rambling… so let’s cut to the chase. This recipe was super simple. The ingredients were all gluten, nut, legume and poultry free! As always, be sure if you have food allergies or celiac disease, to check all the ingredients you purchase before trying a recipe!

Here are my notes:

  • As the recipe mentions, you can also bake the foil packets instead of grilling! The first time we tried this, we grilled it. Then, this week, I decided I’d make it for dinner last night trying it in the oven instead.

  • For baking: I would recommend baking just a few minutes longer than suggested in the recipe because the potatoes weren’t quite my preferred level of done. This also might have been due to the fact that I was trying to save time and didn’t cut the potatoes into quarters, just halves.

  • The first time we tried this recipe, it had too many potatoes and threw off the ratio a bit. The second time around, I just eyeballed how many potatoes looked adequate.

grilled shrimp boil 2.jpg

Oh, and the best part? (Yeah, it gets even better!) This meal is SO good as leftovers. I’m kinda picky about what I’ll eat reheated in a microwave and this one passed the Sarah test! I actually wished I had cooked more of it the first time so I could eat it for more than one lunch!

This recipe makes 4 portions and it was just right for a meal without needing anything additional.

Click HERE to view this recipe from Delish.