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My Favorite Encouraging Podcast

Friday Favorites

JULY 2020

For this month’s Friday Favorites, I’m keeping it simple. There’s been a particular podcast that has been such an encouragement to me and I know many of my friends enjoy podcasts and love to discover new shows. While I could probably list additional shows if I really thought about it, I’m only talking about one podcast today because, well, quality over quantity!

There are so many genres when it comes to podcasts. There really is something for everyone! I like listening to lots of different types, from those that interview business owners about their journey, to pop culture podcasts, to podcasts that interview professionals in my field that help me learn new skills. But something I love most about the podcast I want to share with you today, is that the host is so uplifting and encouraging! While this will sound silly, I really feel like she has become a dear friend - the kind that just wants to pour into you with some encouraging words or helpful ideas.

What is this podcast? It’s Work and Play with Nancy Ray! While I just discovered her podcast a few weeks ago (and have several episodes left to hear) I have already binge-listened to so many!! I actually have followed her on Instagram for several years and just recently learned of her podcast! Her show is like meeting a friend for coffee every time I listen to one of her episodes, and I find myself planning parts of my day around listening to an episode here or there… when I load the dishwasher or take a walk.

The premise of her show is about the major categories of our life: work and play; and how we can work and play well in our day-to-day lives. Nancy Ray is an accomplished photographer in Raleigh, NC. A wife, mama, entrepreneur and Jesus-loving lady, she dives into every aspect of life and legacy through the lenses of work and play. While I’m not a mama, maybe one day God will provide that blessing. I love listening even to the episodes that might not pertain to me in this season of life, because she has this big-sister nature about her and kind of a Mr. Rogers gentleness that makes the topics she discusses approachable.

I love what she says in her first episode “One thing that I’ve learned in life is that the words that I allow spoken into my mind and into my heart can really affect who I am, they can literally change the atmosphere in my home and they can even help determine what I choose to do during my day.”

Isn’t that so true? I’ve started doing a devotional in the mornings as part of my morning routine and while it’s only had a specific “time slot” in my day for a month or two, it has become so ingrained that when my morning starts off track and I don’t get to spend time with the Lord and in His word, I can see a major difference in how my day plays out. The same goes for so many other things that I allow myself to “absorb.” So it’s just been a real blessing to discover Nancy’s podcast and to let those thoughts simmer… What could you improve about your day by changing what you allow into your heart and mind? Maybe it is finding a source of encouragement! If you’re unsure where to start, I’d give Work and Play with Nancy Ray a listen. Start with episode 1.

I like to listen to podcasts in chronological order (usually) and I definitely recommend doing so if you want to start this show! Nancy really sets the stage in the first few episodes for what’s to come. There are so many episodes which means it might take you a while to “catch up” but there’s so much goodness in each one!

You can learn more about the podcast Work and Play with Nancy Ray (including where to listen) along with other information about the encouraging ministry she does, by clicking HERE.

Photo by Leanna Barnes Photography (my talented little sis!)

It has nothing to do with this post, I just love this image and don’t really have a photo of me listening to a podcast!! LOL