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Everything's Better with Cheese: Loaded Cauliflower

Hi friends! Wow, what a crazy time to be alive. Like most, I’m just trying to get through this pandemic as optimistic as possible which means by cooking a lot.

Brief life update since it’s been a while: Darrell, Penny and I are reunited due to COVID-19. (He and Penny moved to NYC the same week as the moving truck [back in February] for those who follow along on my Instagram.) And the plan was for me to join them following the wedding on April 17. Well, the pandemic ripped through those plans and when things started looking grim in mid-March, Darrell and Pen hopped in a rental car and made the journey to KY so we could at least be together as we entered an unknown length of time full of uncertainty and to minimize Darrell’s health risk. It was then that our wedding was cancelled (by our venue, due to the virus) and we made the decision NOT to postpone… More on that later ;) Teaser: We’re married y’all! More answers to your questions coming soon!

So anyway, back to food… Since Darrell’s arrival a few weeks ago, we’ve cooked lots of our favorites, many that are featured in my previous posts. One of the newer foods we’ve found particularly tasty is this Loaded Cauliflower Bake. TALK ABOUT YUMMY!

I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve had a rough time jumping on the cauliflower bandwagon. I’ve tried roasting cauliflower a few times and I’ve just not mastered it and there are so many other veggies I DO like roasted that I just haven’t made as much of an effort. And we’ve tried mashed cauliflower a total of like 2 maybe 3 times and it’s just no… Darrell really liked it but I can’t get into it and then it smells weird in my opinion. But I know how much my *hubby* likes cauliflower so I did some Pinterest digging last week and found a recipe that sounded reasonable. Spoiler alert: I LOVED IT! Also, it is loaded with a bunch of stuff so that’s probably why… Pro tip: You can make all sorts of food you’re not crazy about actually great when you douse it in cheese and bacon!! :) Don’t judge.

I never said it was super healthy. But it was a great side dish for grilled sirloin on the front porch last night. And it was an attempt to cook something D likes and try a new recipe!


  • Portions - I cut the recipe in half. The recipe makes enough for 8 so by cutting it, we had enough for a side at dinner for both of us and then some extra. My sister Leanna tried some (and loved it) and Darrell went back for seconds. So no report on how it reheats yet.

  • Bacon - We really like the pre-cooked bacon because it’s quick, less mess and tastes great. So we were able to skip the whole ‘bake your bacon on one rack, roast the cauliflower on another’ part.

  • Cheese - By cutting the recipe in half, it made for some weird measurements for cheese so this is where I believe the more cheese the better and just went with what looked right.

  • Mixing - The front porch taste testers suggested I stir in the cream cheese mixture before topping with additional shredded cheese so the creamy cheese texture was more evenly distributed throughout the pan.

Overall, we think this is definitely worth repeating and might possibly include in our social distancing Easter feast! This recipe is from Well Plated and the author includes some adaptations of the recipe as well as dietary swaps. For our needs, we didn’t have to make any changes, however, always be sure to check your own spices and other ingredients when shopping. (It’s free of gluten, poultry, nuts and legumes).

What are your favorite cauliflower recipes? I’d love to hear your tips and tricks!

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.