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Salmon Patties and Slaw

Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free 1-to-1 Baking Flour wins again!! This recipe required one simple swap to make it both gluten + nut free for Darrell and I to both enjoy!

If you have been following along with the posts about my meal planning sheet, you know that we had planned to cook the salmon patties for tonight’s dinner. We decided to cook them last night instead and I’m so glad we did!! Two words: QUICK and TASTY!

Neither of us had tried salmon patties before so this was a completely new dish. I found this recipe from Primavera Kitchen when I found the Pomegranate and Brussels Sprouts Salad recipe we tried last week (along with several others I can’t wait to try)!


  • While the recipe as written is already gluten free, it’s not nut free (due to the almond flour). The only modification we made was to swap out the flour! I’ve linked to the Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free 1-to-1 Baking Flour at Walmart earlier in this post but you can also find it at: Target, Thrive Market (although I think they’re currently sold out) and Amazon.

  • The only way to make this meal even better would be a sauce for the patties to add just a little pizzazz to the flavor! I’m thinking maybe a dill sauce?

  • For the sake of time, we used store-bought mayo! (Hellman’s!)

Checkout Primavera Kitchen’s recipe here!

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.