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Saturday Thoughts

Diary style post tonight!

Any guesses on what we cooked for dinner tonight?? If you guessed something that starts with a “R” and ends with “isotto” then ding ding ding! We have a winner. 😂 It wasn’t the meal we had planned to cook tonight but it was a rainy, gloomy day and we both wanted it instead of the alternative! In many ways, today was a wonderful, relaxing “sabbath” day. We slept in (yay no alarms!) and had a slow morning. I made my favorite easy GF biscuit recipe and I somehow failed miserably but ate them anyway lol!

We decided to go for a drive, despite the crazy forecast and I’m so glad we did! We ventured to a few nearby towns, still really getting a feel for the area. We stopped at a few antique stores and found a McDonald’s for some Cokes and a little ice cream, made some U-turns and leaned forward to see through pop up thunderstorms.

I’m continually amazed by the Carolinas. So many treasures in this part of the country. I’m super excited for more adventures and to fully explore our new town/county/state/area.

We keep meeting the sweetest folks and today was no different. I found the cutest little blue and white porcelain dutch shoes at an antique store with the most hospitable shop owner. I didn’t think to take a photo of the tiny shoes but I will have to show y’all at some point!

Today was also the perfect day for a nap. I love all the windows and natural light in this apartment. It’s kind of soothing to watch the rain pour down while you’re cuddled up on the couch. I took an accidental nap before dinner and it was so refreshing! We finished out our evening watching Failure to Launch on Netflix!

This weekend, we have surprisingly little on our To Do List so I’m looking forward to tomorrow being an easier-going day of prep for the week ahead.

I hope you’re having a fantastic weekend!

And if you’re looking for some risotto recipes 😉 … check out this post!