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Tavern and Table

Restaurant Review

We took a little adventure to Mount Pleasant today and enjoyed a waterfront, socially distant dinner. We basically made a little date out of going to a different part of the state for a brief meeting. We figured, why not check out a restaurant and make the most of the 6 hours on the road? I reached out to a new IG friend, Brittney, who provided us with some awesome recommendations. We went with one of her suggestions, Tavern & Table on Shem Creek. We were thoroughly impressed with their social distancing precautions and their food!!

For an appetizer, we ordered the brussels sprouts (y’all know how we love a good brussels app!!). You would’ve thought we were starving because we devoured these parmesan and bacon covered sprouts in no time!

Darrell ordered another appetizer for his dinner, the Burnt End Mac and Cheese. It was a huge hit, topped with brisket and crumbled cornbread! His meal definitely contained gluten, FYI!

For my entrée, I went with the Caesar salad (no bread/croutons) and poached salmon. It was a cool and refreshing option for such a hot day!

If you’re visiting Mount Pleasant, I highly recommend visiting Tavern & Table!

Don’t forget, you can follow Darrell on Yelp to read his reviews of restaurants! He’ll be posting his own review of tonight’s meal in the near future!

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.