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Trader Joe's Fall Haul

I am the nerd that’s been calling my closest TJ’s location asking when their fall seasonal products will hit the shelves for a couple weeks now... I haven’t gotten the same person answering the phone so I don’t think I’m quite ‘that person’ but still. 🤣🎃

I didn’t realize how much I missed Trader Joe’s until I visited one of the Charlotte locations last week. In NYC, we lived super close to a TJ’s and it was the cheapest, closest grocery so we did the bulk of our weekly food shopping there.

I think a lot of folks are ready for fall and the change of seasons kind of as a distraction from all that continues to be 2020, but also as the cheerful pick me up we all need right now. The holiday season is also good for that and I know we have to get through a major election to cross over into the holiday spirit but I hope we can start embracing some of that intentional kindness a little early this year… like ESPECIALLY during a presidential election season. Goodness, even Instagram, my usual “happy place” has been rough this year. And that’s not to say that good conversations haven’t spurred from it but still. I digress. Back to fall…

Last week they had begun setting out a few items but when I went back on Monday, the store was in full on fall mode. The line was extra long even in the middle of the work day and the store was buzzing with excitement over the seasonal products. You could just feel the energy haha!

At one point, I thought to myself, maybe I’m going a bit overboard, but then I thought, nope not at all. I purposely went before planning this week’s meal plan because I decided I’d mix things up and on this occassion (fall goodness hitting the shelves of TJ’s) I’d just let TJ’s tell me what we needed LOL. And boy did I get some goodies!!

Let’s Talk Food Allergens

Like I do with every food post, I’ve included my disclaimer, which you can read by scrolling to the bottom. But basically, there are some ingredients in the products I discuss today that some consider unsafe for celiacs / gluten intolerant folks. You can also find reasons on the internet that say these ingredients are fine. My point is, you know what you need to avoid. If you experience food allergies or have an intolerance or celiac disease, I always want to make it clear that it’s up to you to read the ingredient labels. Also it’s always kind of a mixed bag here considering the variety of allergies between Darrell and I. I am not celiac and have a different approach than I’m sure most celiacs would deem acceptable but that’s okay because they have the disease and I do not. So I just say that to make sure I’m never misleading a reader. Always do your homework!!

How This is Going Down

So today I’m sharing what all I rounded up and then as we eat these items, I will provide reviews/feedback. Some are things I’ve tried during previous seasons, however, many are new to this household!!

What I Bought

A dozen fall goodies! Truly! Haha!! Let’s run through them!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Spice Bagels

Review: I like these!! They’re soft, not too crumbly, and just enough pumpkin taste!

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Spread

Review: Delicious!! I enjoyed this spread on my bagel this morning. A little goes a long way, IMO!

Pumpkin Tortilla Chips

Review: Not a fan. Nothing spectacular…

Autumnal Harvest Soup

Review: Coming Soon!

Gluten Free 9” Pie Shells

Review: Coming Soon!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread & Muffin Baking Mix

Review: One of my favorite TJ’s products!! I usually stock up on a few extra boxes to enjoy past the season. I wrote a post all about this yummy box mix a while back. You can read it here.

Pumpking Butternut Squash Bisque

Review: Yuck… haha I was not expecting to dislike this one so it was disappointing.

Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Review: Coming Soon!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancake Mix

Review: DELISH!! Darrell even raved about them and he’s able to eat gluten so that says a lot!

Apple Cider Fruit Spread

Review: Amazing!! I can’t wait to try this on something other than a pastry. I think it would be great with chicken or pork somehow.

Pumpkin Bisque

Review: So I tried this for the first time last fall and it was sooo good. I went back for another jar and it was sold out for the 2019 season. So this year, I grabbed 3 as soon as I saw it was stocked haha!! It is perfect just as it is in the jar, just heat it up on the stove and serve. Easy and so satisfying!!

Note - this is different from the other pumpkin bisque found in the deli section, which is a pumpkin butternut squash bisque! Interested to see how it compares!

Cinnamon Bun Spread

Review: Delectable! We actually put this on the pumpkin pancakes instead of syrup! Super tasty!

Be sure to check back throughout the fall for my reviews as we work our way through these yummy seasonal finds!

I’d love to hear how you incorporate these items into meals or recipes! I have some ideas but I’m alway so curious to hear what other people think up!! Let me know in the comments!

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.