Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

the amateur apron cinnamon roll pancakes

We treated ourselves to some AMAZING gluten free cinnamon roll pancakes this morning! Oh my goodness they were incredible!! A couple weekends ago, I woke up on a Saturday morning craving cinnamon rolls. Darrell suggested we find a bakery that has them and go on a little spontaneous breakfast adventure. When we arrived at the bakery, we realized they only made cinnamon rolls if you ordered them in advance. Bummer. But we “settled” for some yummy donuts!

Since then, I had been thinking about just baking some gluten free cinnamon rolls at home and then I came across Gluten Free Mom Colorado’s Instagram! First off, if you’re not following her, you’re missing out! Secondly, holy cow these pancakes are DELISH! I have saved so many of her recipes that I want to try!

Just look at this shot of the cinnamon filling! Sooo gooood.

the amateur apron cinnamon filling


Let me shift gears momentarily to talk about being an amateur. I’ve had this blog for a little over a year and I realized I stopped talking so much about being an amateur a while back. Let’s not forget. I am still very much an amateur cook. Also, I’m not the most patient person when it comes to the kitchen. I have been known to give up on a recipe in the middle of trying it for the first time and messing something up… Like I burnt something or I mixed up too much of a certain ingredient or forgot another or whatever and I just threw in the towel and said “Maybe I’ll get it next time but I’m done trying today.”

Number one… that’s kind of embarrassing to admit even in my own little corner of the internet called my blog but it isn’t exactly a good thing. Number two, it’s not the end of the world and sometimes maybe it is best to just say “better luck next time” and order a pizza. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re in the same boat.

I say all of this to say I am proud of myself for trying again right away when I messed up the first time this morning instead of giving up. I used to only cook pancakes on a griddle. Well a griddle is one of the appliances that just didn’t make the cut when we had to downsize our belongings for the kitchen so this morning was my first attempt at making pancakes on the stove. Another important note: here in NYC we have a gas stove. This is the first home I’ve cooked in that has a gas stove. Sometimes I have to cook things on a lower setting and other times I don’t notice a difference. So I followed the directions (and on an electric stove I think medium heat would’ve been fine) but I threw out like 3 pancakes before I just shut the stove off and let the pan cool and then started over. Mixed up more pancake mix, reheated the pan, this time on a little lower setting. It honestly took me forever to cook these and it really shouldn’t have, but I am learning. And that’s okay!

My other point in sharing all of this is that I plan to post more “behind the scenes,” “first try fails” and other not-so-Instagram-worthy views of real life learning in the kitchen! While I didn’t get a photo of one of the true “fails” from this morning (i.e. a shot of a burnt pancake or the three that went directly in the trash can) I did get this one that illustrates I need practice perfecting the flip! Lol!

the amateur apron cinnamon roll pancake fail


  • Ingredients

    • While it is definitely on my list to try, I didn’t use the pancake mix suggested. We had just picked up some gluten free pancake mix from Trader Joe’s and it worked well. It was the first time I had tried a pancake mix that wasn’t Bisquick’s Gluten Free mix!

    • My mom always adds sugar and vanilla to her pancake mix so I did the same. (You can see my Bisquick Gluten Free Pancakes Recipe here!)

  • Servings - I whipped up enough cinnamon filling and cream cheese glaze for Gluten Free Mom Colorado’s recipe (which is enough for 10 servings) since it was my first time trying the recipe (even though we didn’t plan to eat that many pancakes). I’m glad I did because I needed the extra when I messed up half of the first batch of pancakes!

  • Darrell suggests I add a little glaze between each pancake when stacking them to more evenly distribute the cream cheese flavor.

Check out Gluten Free Mom Colorado’s recipe for Gluten Free Cinnamon Roll Pancakes! I’ll definitely cook these yummy pancakes again! They seem like a perfect item for a Christmas morning breakfast.

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.