Happy Halloween!

Can you believe tomorrow is NOVEMBER?? There are only 61 days left in this decade. That’s insane to think about.

But on the topic of Halloween, I thought I’d share how Darrell and I put together our costumes this year for a grand total of $12!

Couples costumes can be a bit of a challenge and while it’s fun every once in a while to go all-out with an elaborate plan, most of us are busy and don’t have the time or energy to assemble something creative.

Darrell and I had discussed dressing up as Sheldon and Amy last year but decided to go with something different at the last minute. So this year when we were down to the wire walking around Walmart I said, “Hey we could just be Sheldon and Amy this year!”

Funny thing is, shortly after Halloween last year, we adopted our sweet Penny. You may or may not know, but I got the idea for Penny’s name from the TV show The Big Bang Theory because it’s one of D’s favorite shows!

Because the show is set in this day and age, it’s relatively easy to find a lot of suitable items in your own closet. And because it’s a sitcom that has aired for several seasons, there are so many ways to “look the part.” For all you perfectionists out there, don’t stress too much - dressing up for Halloween should be fun, not stressful, so if you find something in your closet that’s not exact but gives the same vibe, work with it! No need to break the bank. So that’s what I did with the skirt for instance… I’m not really sure that Amy Farrah Fowler ever wore a button down denim skirt (or a gingham shirt) but it’s what I found in my closet so I rolled with it! The costume just needs the gist of what you’re going for - it’s the other details that really make it…

Like our hair! Bahaha! I was cracking up all day over Darrell’s “comb over” which was a hard look to achieve considering his hair is so short. And my hair clips took me right back to the second grade!! But it totally made the costume.

Here’s a break down of how the costumes came together:

Flash Shirt - Walmart approximately $7.88
Long Sleeve Shirt - Already owned
Khakis - Already owned
Shoes - Already owned
”Comb over” - Thanks to the gel he already uses daily

Patterned button down shirt - Already owned
Sweater vest - Goodwill approximately $3 (found in the men’s section)
Skirt - Already owned
Tights - Already owned
Loafers - Already owned
Hair Clips - Family Dollar $1

Grand total: ~$12
