Our Engagement
Darrell proposed! I said YES! We’re getting MARRIED!!!
That’s the short story. But for those who want the details and for the sake of us remembering all the little magical moments of this big day, I wanted to capture our engagement story in a blog post.
In early August, I came home from work to find a note on the door to get ready and a Lyft would arrive to pick me up for dinner.
Darrell had told me we were going to dinner at my favorite restaurant to celebrate my birthday and that he had arranged for some friends to join us after. He told me this a couple weeks prior, spilling the beans about what he had intended to be a surprise! He was so giddy the evening we were walking into the gym and he started sharing all these birthday celebration secrets. I didn’t even ask any questions because I was hoping to salvage some part of the surprise but he couldn’t contain it and told me any way.
So bringing it back to that evening, I arrive home from work to get ready and see the note, then find a dozen gorgeous pink roses in a vase on the bathroom counter with a card that explains he’s got a few more surprises up his sleeve for the evening. I should also note there was another note on the mirror to point out the card on the counter because I he was afraid I wouldn’t see it!!! He knows me so well. There were scrabble letters on the counter that spelled out “Happy birthday Sarah I heart you” and the heart was a key chain I later found out was supposed to be part of our one year dating anniversary gift, haha! There was a framed photo collage he had shared on Facebook earlier that day to publicly wish me a happy birthday.
I immediately tried calling my sister, she didn’t answer, I tried calling my friend Courtney, who had insisted on taking me to get my nails done the night before, and she didn’t answer. I’m like what is going on with everyone?? I called my parents and said “I think Darrell might be about to propose tonight? I have NO CLUE what to wear now!”
Courtney finally called me back and I was like "Ummm hi so I need help figuring out an outfit for my birthday dinner because I think it’s more than that now…” Courtney was playing oblivious, which I thought she was headed out on a camping trip and she’s like “Why do you think that?” She helped me find something to wear after rushing to get me off the phone. I later found out she was at the bakery picking up the cake when I called!
For those who know me, this will come as a total shock but I was actually ready to go EARLY. I peeked out the window every 30 seconds while I applied lipstick, waiting for my “Lyft” while texting Courtney a play-by-play. Little did I know, she was screenshotting everything to Darrell… When I freak out and see there’s actually a limo to pick me up!
That’s when I definitely knew something was up.
When I walked outside, the limo driver opened my door and asked how I was doing. I could barely get out the words “I’m a mess!” because as she opened the door I saw a letter on the seat with my name on it. In the letter, Darrell poured out his heart about his journey to finding me and the blessing I’ve been in his life. I sobbed some more. At the end of the letter he hinted at what was to come next, referenced the significance of each photo he had chosen for the Facebook collage, explaining that the last photo would make sense once I met up with later. So in all of this collage explanation, I was convinced I knew where we were headed… McDonald’s. Y’all can laugh all you want but it made perfect sense in my head because we LOVE some McD’s Coca-Cola Classic!!!
As Darrell would have it, he made a collage with photos that each signified something about our relationship. Having connected over Coca-Cola on our first date, he sent me photo the next day of him with his Coca-Cola. So I sent one back of me with mine. (The photos on the right). And the photos on the left: Top - Our first photo together. Middle: Three months into dating, I bought Darrell a set of personalized glass bottle Cokes with our names on them. Bottom: I didn’t know until he explained the night of the proposal, was the last photo we took as “boyfriend and girlfriend!” Swoon. So thoughtful!
To my surprise, we did not go to McDonald’s, nor did we head in the direction of the restaurant where I was told we’d be eating dinner. Instead, we got on New Circle. My mind started reeling. Were we going to Drake’s where we had our first date? At this point I’m positive he was going to propose that night but I didn’t know how. We exited New Circle at Richmond Road and pulled into the church parking lot. Before reaching the church though, the limo driver stopped and got out to bring me a gift. She told me to open it and she recorded me crying through opening this gift bag that contained four glass Coke bottles. Will. You. Marry. Me? They spelled out. Then I’m like okay where is he????? We pull up to the church and the driver opens my door. The moment I step out I spy Jenifer in the bushes with a camera. Cue more tears… HE GOT A PHOTOGRAPHER.
I ugly cry the whole walk over the Darrell who is also crying and he gets down on one knee, presents me with the ring of my dreams, and asks that question I’ve been dreaming about hearing since I was approximately five years old… “Will you marry me?”
We cried some more. Devin and Jenifer snapped beautiful photos and then I find out Darrell managed to get the whole thing on video too! HE DID SO GOOD!
The location was significant because we the night he asked me to be his girlfriend, we had gone to church, then to dinner, and then that turned into grabbing coffee which then turned into talking for several hours. At the end of night, he returned me to my car at the church parking lot. Before I left, he asked me to be his girlfriend! We took the photo below to commemorate the moment!
The limo took us to dinner and we called our families on the way over. We barely touched our food while we soaked up the excitement and share the news with our family. After dinner, we headed over to Belle’s where a ton of friends awaited us on the rooftop with a gluten-free cake that looked like a Tiffany box!
It was the most magical night of my life thus far!!! Below, I’ve included a photo gallery from the night.
Darrell, you’re my biggest blessing, my favorite person, my supporter, my best friend, the love of my life! I can’t wait to marry you and I am overjoyed to get to spend the rest of my life with you by my side!
I hope you’ll join us on this journey of wedding planning! Would you all be interested in more wedding planning posts? Send a message to let me know!