Posts tagged wedding
Life Lately: We're Having a Baby! (And Other Updates)

In case you hadn’t heard… we’re expecting!! A baby boy is set to join us in February and we are over the moon excited to meet him! Additionally, we’ve had lots of other life updates so I figured it was time for the latest installment of Life Lately…

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Guide to Planning Your Wedding Registry

I could talk about weddings all day, every day. I absolutely love them. I had so much fun planning our wedding and even when we had to completely “re-plan” on extremely short notice, I was on such a creative high just soaking up all the details. I know multiple sweet ladies who recently said “yes” and it got me thinking, I have so many more wedding-related posts I could write for the blog to provide tips and ideas! If you’re recently engaged or hoping to be one day, this post is my letter to you!! 😉 The wedding registry tends to be one of the fun but sometimes confusing or daunting tasks during the engagement season so I am sharing this guide to answer some bridal questions.

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Wedding Decor Tips and Inspo

More from the bride diary! This time I’m dishing the details on some of my favorite decor items/ideas! And even better news? I’m selling a LOT of it over on a Facebook page shared with my sister… Yes, she’s sharing tons of her wedding decor too! If you’re a bride, a venue, event planner or family of a bride, you should seriously check out our deals! A lot of my decor still has tags on it and went completely unused due to the fact our wedding was a much smaller scale than originally planned.

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Wedding Details: What I Wore

So I’ve already done an in-depth post about designing my wedding dress but I wanted to do a separate recap on other dresses and accessories I wore for my rehearsal, ceremony and reception! One of the reasons for these in-depth wedding posts is for the sake of posterity, but I also loved gathering inspo from other brides to plan out what I wanted for my special day so I hope it helps current brides too.

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Our Wedding Decor Turned Dining Area

Our wedding backdrop is now our apartment decor! We re-purposed our DIY boxwood wall wedding backdrop and custom neon sign to help differentiate our dining area from our living area in our tiny NYC apartment.

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Our DIY Wedding Invitations

Although we weren’t married at our original venue or on our original date, I still want to share details about our wedding invitations on the blog because it was a wedding project that I thoroughly enjoyed. Invitations were something I knew could be very costly and while they’re just paper that 99.9% of recipients will throw in the trash, it was important to me that the invitations be fancy.

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