Bachelorette Sleepover Party!

My friends are the seriously incredible! They threw me the sweetest bachelorette party a girl could have!

I held off on posting to social media about the party, initially because the day the party ended is also the day we learned our wedding wasn’t going to happen the way we had planned. There was so much up in the air and as the days went on, Darrell and Penny made the trip down to KY and then we made the decision to have an intimate wedding celebration later that week. At the time, it also just didn’t seem fair to post the photos when I realized Darrell’s bachelor party was called off. (His best man says he’s still going to have a party one day, haha.)

But this was such an amazing weekend and I thought a blog post would be a great way to capture the memories while they’re still fresh in my mind!


First off, my sweet sister was incredible through the entire wedding planning process. She was the best matron of honor. I truly don’t deserve her goodness!! Love you, Leanna!

She planned a dream bridal shower in February and then turned around and organized my bachelorette party for March. Anddd she kept it all together right smack dab in the midst of everyone realizing the virus was not something to mess with (literally that weekend is when it all got crazy).

Some friends opted to stick out the party due to concern of the virus and sis handled it like a champ, checking in with everyone and easing nerves as best she could. All the while, dealing with my COVID-19 bridal melt downs as I was living with her and her husband at the time. She navigated us having to cancel certain parts of the weekend agenda and made sure fun was had despite it all.


We started the morning with a private macaron baking class at La Petit Delicat in Lexington. My mom and Darrell’s mom joined in for the class and lunch. It was both educational and a blast! Most of the photos I have from the day are from our class. This was such a great “activity” for a bachelorette party. For starters, it’s something right up my alley, but it was also unique. I wasn’t looking for a bunch of stereotypical bachelorette party activities, I just wanted to spend quality time with my friends doing something fun and it was perfect!


My mom brought a present to the class, an apron with my new last name!! It was such a thoughtful gift!

After the macaron class, we went to one of my favorite restaurants in Lexington for lunch, The Local Taco! It was so tasty! Following lunch, my mom and Darrell’s mom parted ways from the group. One friend had to leave and then a couple more joined in time for activities following lunch.


We made our way to Louisville where we continued with our original plan to get blow outs at Drybar. This is one of my favorites pampering activities. Ladies, if you’ve not had a blow out, you’re missing out!! Drybar is so fun and I’m super excited to live really close to a location here in NYC! Side note: Their hair products are also so luscious!


It was pouring the rain when we left but we didn’t let it get us down. We headed to the Airbnb and I hung out upstairs while the girls decorated for our sleepover! We made the decision a couple days before the party to forgo our dinner reservations for a nice meal out and for brunch the next day to minimize our social outings. It was a tough call to make and I really hated to cut out any part since it was a once in a lifetime event but I knew how everyone was feeling about the virus and it made the most sense to keep our morning/afternoon activities and modify the agenda for the rest of the party.

So we made dinner at the Airbnb! We decided not to dress up but we had amazing hair lol. What did we cook? Risotto, of course! Along with shrimp and roasted brussels sprouts. It was fun to cook with my friends and we really made the most of the night!


After dinner, we hung out playing lots of games, listening to songs we grew up listening to, taking photos with the backdrop they made, and munching on the most SPECTACULAR spread of my favorite snacks put together by a couple of my bridesmaids!

The next morning, some of the ladies cooked up a wonderful breakfast and we parted ways. It was so sweet and it meant the world to me to have so many gals come from all over (some from states away) just to celebrate with me, despite the craziness in the world! I’m blessed to have such lovely friends!


Thank you to all my gal pals for making me feel so loved!! And another huge thank you to my mom and sister for our adorable shirts!! The girls shirts were made to look kind of like the Bachelorette TV show title. :)

Check out more photos from my bachelorette party below!!