Stuffed Peppers

Shew! It’s been an especially busy few weeks! Once the weather turned nice, we started working on Operation Remodel Darrell’s Patio! We spent basically all of last weekend running back and forth to Lowe’s and working in his backyard. We’ve got a ways to go but it is going to look so nice when it’s done!

Since my last post, I’ve tried another recipe incorporating peppers and I really liked it! A former roommate used to cook stuffed peppers somewhat often for dinner and they always smelled so great but because of my refusal to eat peppers, I could never bring myself to try them when she’d offer to share!

Darrell loves quinoa so I searched Pinterest for a stuffed pepper recipe that incorporated it. Per usual, I changed up the recipe to suit our tastes and allergies a little better. I’ve detailed my changes below. :)

  • Ingredients:

    • I used vegetable stock instead of bone broth or chicken stock because of Darrell’s poultry allergy.

    • I sprinkled a little minced onion in place of the diced onion (not a fan of onion texture but I like the flavor). I did, however, use green onion because for some reason I have no problem with green onion?

    • I swapped the can of diced tomatoes for a can of corn and it was great! We aren’t big fans of tomatoes…

  • Servings: I used 2 red peppers for the first meal and 2 red peppers the second time we made the meal using the leftover stuffing (see point about leftovers). We paired this with some asparagus because it was what we had in the fridge for a side, haha. Let me know if you have suggestions for a better side item!

  • Leftovers: The recipe made a ton of “stuffing” and I stored the remaining stuffing in a glass bowl covered in plastic wrap for a couple of days and made another batch for a weekend lunch, reheating the stuffing for a few minutes in the microwave and stirring intermittently.

This recipe is from Platings and Pairings and can be found HERE.

the amateur apron stuffed peppers