Risotto Roundup


RISOTTO!! Our favorite! I know I talk about risotto ALL. THE. TIME. on here but only because it is so delicious and versatile! Tonight, I thought it would be fun to do a little roundup of the risotto I’ve shared on TAA and include details from the latest recipe we tried!


Classic Risotto

You can’t go wrong with this classic recipe! This post really talks about how we came to love risotto and the article I found that helped me learn how to cook this beloved dish at home! If you’re new to cooking risotto, this blog post is a great place to start.

the amateur apron pumpkin risotto

Pumpkin Risotto

Fall! If you love pumpkin, this recipe is definitely one to try this coming fall! I love that this pumpkin risotto calls for Chardonnay and if you’ve cooked with other wines, I think you’ll notice the difference this wine makes in the flavor! Read more about the recipe we used.

the amateur apron spinach gorgonzola risotto recipe

Spinach and Gorgonzola Risotto

Sneaking in some green healthy goodness! I love how subtle the spinach is in this recipe. Together, with the gorgonzola cheese, it has a fresh and cozy flavor I can’t get enough of! Additionally, I like to use carnaroli for this recipe and it’s fluffy texture is delectable! Find my recipe here.

Red Wine + Goat Cheese Risotto

Vibrant in color and flavor! The blog post about this recipe is titled “The Dish So Good We Cooked it 3 Nights in a Row” because it’s seriously that good! (My recommendation: don’t be afraid to add more goat cheese than what I list in the recipe, start there and add more for the perfect flavor - especially if you’re on the fence about goat cheese.) Find my recipe here.


Risotto with Gorgonzola, Apples and Walnuts

Our latest adventure with risotto: adding fruit! (And nuts, but not for Darrell’s!) While I can’t share the recipe for this type of risotto because it is published in a cookbook, I can tell you where to find the cookbook! This book was a wedding gift from our registry and I have been so excited to try out the fancy recipes! The author of this cookbook is the chef of the restaurant where we ate risotto one night in Chicago back in December! I wasn’t sure how the apple flavor would taste in a dish like risotto but it was perfect when combined with the gorgonzola and walnuts! Just goes to show, again, how versatile this dish truly is!

The craziest part is, while compiling this blog post, I’m realizing there are actually several other types of risotto we have tried that I still need to write about on the blog!! What’s your favorite type of risotto?