Posts tagged appetizer
Whipped Ricotta and My Take on Gluten Free "Crostini"

A Simple and Sophisticated Appetizer

We had a very chill weekend celebrating my birthday, just hanging out around the apartment. We cooked risotto and steak, I beat Darrell in 3/3 rounds of Sequence, and we stayed up late to catch the latest episode of Big Brother! I whipped up this incredible appetizer in place of a birthday cake for my special treat and it was sheer perfection!

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Pulled Pork Sweet Potato Nachos

Cinco De Mayo kind of snuck up on us in this weird state of quarantine and isolation so last night we went with the meal on our dinner list for the week that was closest to tacos haha… If you consider Pulled Pork Sweet Potato Nachos to fall anywhere close to that category!

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