Posts tagged sewing machine shopping
My Mom's 3 Tips for Buying a Sewing Machine

Picked up this gem last night!! An early birthday present, I guess you could say! Isn’t she a beaut? This 1968 Singer was a whopping $25 on Facebook Marketplace! 😱 And it works!! I have longed for a sewing machine of my own for quite a while. In NYC, space was so limited and it just wasn’t the right time. Recently, I’ve been talking to my mom extensively about finding a good machine. At first, I just assumed I’d head to a craft store and pick something off the shelf, hoping to stay around $100. Mom was quick to tell me that might not be the best way to approach finding a sewing machine. If you’re a beginner seamstress looking to purchase a machine, this post is for you! I’ve gathered my mom’s tips to guide your sewing machine search experience!

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