The Amateur Apron Playlists
Forever going to share pics from our sweet photo shoot with Katie Gallagher because they’re so dang good!!
Guess what!! I made a Spotify account for The Amateur Apron so I could share my curated playlists with you! I take playlists seriously and there’s pretty much nothing better than finding a new one I really enjoy! If you love a little of everything when it comes to music, I hope you’ll follow TAA on Spotify as I continue to share more of my personal playlists for everything from risotto night to our wedding music, to feel good jams and more!
So what playlists have I assembled so far? Well, I’m glad you aksed!
Risotto Night
Yep, you guessed it, this is basically the soundtrack to our evenings in the kitchen, stirring up a new type of risotto!! This playlist is completely Billie Holiday songs. I adore her music and I find it so soothing and relaxing to cook to, to unwind to, to soak in a bubble bath, etc. These are my favorite songs from the incredibly talented Billie Holiday. Enjoy!
Good Mood Music
This is just for fun. Sometimes you just want to listen to music that makes you happy! Here’s my compliation of those kind of songs!
Wedding Music
If you read my post about our wedding music, you know that this was such a fun part of wedding planning for Darrell and I! I’ve begun assembling each of these playlists to share on The Amateur Apron Spotify and I’ve got a couple of them already done for ya! Watch for the others soon!
I’m super excited to share my love of music with y’all and I can’t wait to connect with more of you over on Spotify! I’m all ears if you have awesome playlist suggestions too! ;)
Check out my Spotify by clicking here!