Posts in Food
Happy National Ice Cream Day!

Have you had ice cream today?? We made it to South Carolina last night and have been chilling in a hotel until we can get into the new apartment. Tonight, we ate dinner in the car (we picked up some to-go food from a local restaurant) and then hopped across town to enjoy blizzards from Dairy Queen. Penny got in on the excitement with a pup cup! (This post in kind of a hodge podge of topics including an update on where we are at in the moving process!)

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Gluten Free Pancakes in Upper West Side

Alright, I’m wrapping up the NYC food series with this delicious gluten free breakfast from our last morning in the city! We visited a cute diner that offered socially distant outdoor seating. It was a fabulous breakfast to fuel us for what ended up being a very long day! And it left us wondering why it took so long to find such a great place?!

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Sunny Morning at Ralph's

More in the NYC restaurant series! Plus, a little outfit talk! This morning we visited Ralph’s Coffee, the coffee shop associated with Ralph Lauren’s flagship store. (And I believe they have locations in various other major international cities as well!) I took this as a fun opportunity to put together an oufit I had been conjuring up in my head the last couple days. Do you that? And then you try it on and it goes one of two ways: you realize you’re a total genius or you start to doubt your entire way of thinking when it comes to fashion! It’s usually the latter for me but for I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of this combo.

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Sunday Morning Bagels

What a beautiful morning for a stroll through Upper West Side with the hubby and pup! Penny found some friends to play with in the park and we enjoyed perusing the green market (aka farmers market) near the American Museum of Natural History. We grabbed a couple Cokes from a bodega and picked up an order of bagels from Modern Bread and Bagel before scoping out a park bench for people watching.

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Dinner Al Fresco at Pappardella

We went on a date tonight!! It’s so crazy to think that (with the exception of vacation) we haven’t gone to a restaurant or had a traditional date night in months. We decided to check out Pappardella this evening, since we had heard raving reviews.

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Grilled Gorgonzola and Pear

Can you tell I’ve had lots of grilled cheese for lunch this week? Hehe. Yeah, I’m sharing another chronicle of Fancy Grilled Cheese already, but it’s my blog so I have that creative freedom… And if you don’t like grilled cheese, you may not want to be my friend / follow this blog anyway ;) JK. So still using a little Havarti today but mixing things up with a few other ingredients and switching up the fruits on ya!

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