Brunch Diaries: Shrimp and Grits

Another Sunday of social distancing means another brunch at home! I may be from the South (people can say all they want about Kentucky being the mid-west, but clearly they’ve never been to Kansas [aka the true mid-west in my book, also my birthplace] or like Missouri… I digress) but I somehow relocated to the north before ever trying grits! I know, shocking, right??

Our Meal Planning Routine

We use Pinterest almost entirely for scoping out meal ideas. We share a board where we pin things we find that we’d like to try. Each week, I write out a meal plan on notebook paper for our nightly dinners and jot down some breakfast, lunch, snack and dessert ongoing options for the upcoming week in a space at the top. At the bottom of the page, I include a space to write special requests for the next week so as we think of something, we can scribble it down right where the “menu” hangs on the fridge.

I Caved

Darrell recently added a recipe for shrimp and grits to our shared Pinterest board and while I saw it, I wasn’t super excited to try it haha. But as we explored the mysterious second floor of a nearby grocery store last week, we noticed Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Corn Grits/Polenta in one of the aisles and Darrell got super excited. Since I love my husband, I gave in and decided to give grits a try. LOL.

This recipe required a little bit of prep but once we got going, it really didn’t take long. This recipe is from Maebells. Check out my notes below!


  • Ingredients: As mentioned earlier, we used Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Grits/Polenta. We also used vegetable broth instead of chicken broth because Darrell is allergic to poultry. We used pre-cooked bacon because it is a great time saver!

  • The shrimp could probably use a little less seasoning, we thought it was a little much.

  • Slowly add your grits while stirring to keep from getting lumps in your grits.

  • I noticed the grits beginning to stick so be sure to stir, stir, stir and not let them sit for too long.

  • Darrell thinks they could use more cheese, I disagree, I think they tasted great just the way they were!

Overall, I was surprised to love these grits! I really didn’t think I’d like grits, and maybe it was the cheese that helped, but these were DELICIOUS! It was a bit more than I could eat, so I would say while this recipe makes 2 servings, I would actually probably serve it as four smaller servings in the future as a tasty side.

Happy Sunday, friends! Did you enjoy any southern favorites today?

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.