Patriotic Fruit Tray

Darrell LOVES fruit. At his old house in Lexington, he actually had a very large piece of wall art with different types of fruit all over it, haha! While we won’t be gathering with friends or family to celebrate the holiday weekend, I thought a cute fruit tray would still be fun to put together for us two. I can’t claim this idea as my own because it’s all over different websites but I did find a way to make this easy favorite gluten free!

Side note: Where did May go? I feel like I blinked and the month is now 3/4 of the way over! It’s crazy to think Memorial Day is days away, marking the unofficial start to summer!


These yogurt dipped pretzels are irresistibly good! Like, I have to be careful or I could eat half the bag, good! In Kentucky, I could find these Glutino Gluten Free Covered Pretzels at Meijer. Here in NYC, we found them at our local Fairway Market.

Funny side story: So we’ve been here a little over a month now and no joke, just this week we discovered there’s an entire second floor of groceries at our Fairway Market!!! We saw some lady get on an elevator and we were under the impression that all the only thing on the second floor was the cafe/restaurant portion of the store so we were like “Wow, that lady isn’t going to get too far with the restaurant portion closed.” Then when we went there this week looking for the pretzels and couldn’t find them, I saw someone else use the elevator and I asked Darrell if we should just check it out. We went up, feeling sneaky and also like it was a lost cause and when the doors opened up we just died laughing. An entire floor of organic, gluten free, allergy friendly, pharmacy and toiletries, all sorts of additional frozen foods. We laughed and laughed. Y’all they have so much gluten free food upstairs!!! I seriously can’t wait to go back.


These Glutino pretzels are perfect for so many occasions. The brand also offers chocolate covered pretzels!

At Christmas time, I love to dip my own gluten free pretzels in chocolate while making holiday candy and other treats but it can be a lot of work if you’re in a hurry. That’s why I love the Glutino yogurt or chocolate covered pretzels!

As for the fruit, I wish the farmer’s markets were open around here but Fairway berries will do! If you’re in a hurry or don’t want to make something all that involved, I love this fruit tray because the only real work required is cutting the strawberries, which takes minutes. :)

What are your plans for the holiday weekend? How are you celebrating amid COVID-19 restrictions?

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.