Pineapple Shrimp


Doesn’t the taste of pineapple just transport you to somewhere warmer?? Well it does for me, anyway! Growing up, my mom would bake a pineapple chicken dish every once in a while and it was a favorite for everyone in the house! Darrell is allergic to poultry so I don’t cook mom’s pineapple chicken for us but we recently started experimenting with shrimp and pineapple!

Back in Kentucky, we would occasionally grill this combo together but we don’t have a balcony or access to any outdoor space as part of our current living situation so that’s no longer an option. What came from this is our recipe for Skillet Pineapple Shrimp!! And it’s pretty darn good if I do say so myself!!

Side note: While I mention my mom’s recipe for pineapple chicken, this recipe is actually completely different than that so maybe it would work with chicken instead of shrimp but it’s not something I’m likely to try due to our dietary restrictions!


This recipe makes 2 servings. You can double it to make more.


  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 1/2 tablespoon coconut aminos

  • 2 cloves minced garlic

  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar

  • 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice

  • 8 oz frozen shrimp

  • 1 cup pineapple (chopped into bite size pieces)

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Measure out ingredients, including frozen shrimp. Allow shrimp to thaw and then sprinkle with salt and pepper.

  2. Melt butter over low heat in a medium size skillet.

  3. Mix in coconut aminos, honey, and minced garlic. Simmer on low/medium heat for about 4 minutes.

  4. Stir in brown sugar and lemon juice.

  5. Add shrimp and cook for approximately 4 minutes on medium heat before flipping.

  6. When flipping the shrimp, add pineapple.

  7. When shrimp is fully cooked, removed from pan and plate.

  8. Continue to toss pineapple until mixture has saturated the fruit and it begins to slightly brown. (Very little browning necessary, just make sure it is beginning to soften before removing from heat.)

  9. Add pineapple to the plated shrimp and pour over any remaining sauce.

I’d love to hear how this summer recipe full of flavor turns out for you! Let me know in the comments - or better yet, email me photos of the finished product!!


Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian or medical professional and while I share what ingredients work for me or what I choose to eat (at my own risk) while dining out, I advise you do your homework when choosing ingredients and places to eat. I highly encourage everyone to do their own research when it comes to the products they cook with or restaurant’s procedures. I do not have celiac disease but rather a gluten-intolerance and I’m not an expert on gluten or other food intolerances, autoimmune diseases, or food allergies. I simply share the ingredients I have found work for me, the places where I’ve dined and my personal experiences.