Running into the Week Like...


Hello, Rock Hill! It’s day 842 of the move in process (or so it feels!) and today we get the keys to our new apartment!! Still no word on when the moving truck will arrive but we have lots to unload today. Plus, the internet gets set up this afternoon. So all around, going to be a busy day.

I don’t want to make any promises but my goal is to do a little video walk through of the new apartment when things calm down today (or maybe tomorrow). So we shall see. But I’ll do like I did with the NYC video and just post it right to my Instagram story if I do get the chance!

It’s crazy hot down here but that’s expected. I’m very grateful we didn’t go the route of moving everything ourselves because it would be extra hot having to unpack that truck in this weather!

There are so many things we are over the moon excited about being here! I can’t wait to share all the reasons we fell in love with this area on the blog.

I know today’s post isn’t full of interesting tid bits, yummy food or anything resourceful but I hope you’ll understand why!! ;)

And side note: how cute are these pictures I’ve been posting from our shoot in NYC?? They’re from the super friendly and talented Laurel Creative!