Posts tagged Soup Sunday
Soup Sundays: Trader Joe's Pumpkin Bisque

Three Trader Joe’s highlights in one week?? I know it’s a lot but they have so many delicious products this time of year!! Last weekend was super busy and I spent the majority of that Sunday on the road so I was exhausted when I made it home and decided to delay the final Soup Sunday in the series by one week. So we’re wrapping up today with a pre-made soup that I love - Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Bisque. If you saw my Stories recap about the Trader Joe’s fall haul earlier in the season, you’ll know that this is one of my absolute favorites - I bought 3 jars haha! I topped it with a little grana padano and parsley. The perfect fall lunch - just heat and eat.

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Soup Sundays: Zucchini Corn Chowder

It’s time for the third installment of the Soup Sunday Series!! This is so fun! Have you tried the broccoli cheddar soup or the loaded potato soup? I’d love to hear about your experience! This week I’m sharing a new recipe!! As I’ve mentioned, Darrell isn’t the biggest fan of soup but I’ve found a few he’s grown to love haha. Usually, if it is something thick, he’s open to trying it - which makes a chowder a good option. This recipe is my take on a zucchini corn chowder. I managed to sneak in some extras to give it more substance like carrots and potatoes! Check it out below!

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Soup Sundays: Broccoli Cheddar Soup

It’s the first Sunday in the Soup Sundays Series!!! I’m so excited to begin this series. If you remember a few weeks ago I asked y'all to share some of your thoughts on soup and I’m glad to see I have company in the soup-before-cold-weather camp! To kick things off, let’s talk about this broccoli cheddar soup! This popular type of soup is so cozy and delectable! I had to swap out a few ingredients in this recipe to make it work for us. And surprise - it includes potatoes! Check out the first Soup Sunday post!

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