Posts tagged cauliflower
Balsamic Sheet Pan Supper

You know we’ve got a laundry list of allergies to accommodate so I’m often altering Pinterest recipe finds for something that suits our needs. This was an easy fix and boy is it good!! Of course, who doesn’t love a one pan meal? And anything you can throw in the oven is extra nice so you’re not standing over the stove nursing a pot or running all over the kitchen. As a mama of a little, that’s just not realistic if I plan to maintain my sanity between the hours of 4-7pm haha!!

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Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

Cauliflower - meh! Cauliflower with cheese - I’m listening!! Can anyone else relate?? Darrell has been the driving force in trying cauliflower-based foods. Knowing he likes it has me looking out for cauliflower-related recipes. The loaded cauliflower turned out sooo yummy last month so when I came across a recipe for cauliflower mac and cheese I thought we’d give it a try! The first time we tried this recipe was actually the night I photographed the fried pork chops for the blog. It was our side dish that night and then Darrell cooked it for lunch one day earlier this week!

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Everything's Better with Cheese: Loaded Cauliflower

I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve had a rough time jumping on the cauliflower bandwagon. I’ve tried roasting cauliflower a few times and I’ve just not mastered it and there are so many other veggies I DO like roasted that I just haven’t made as much of an effort. We’ve tried mashed cauliflower a total of like 2 maybe 3 times and it’s just no… Darrell really liked it but I can’t get into it and then it smells weird in my opinion. But I know how much my *hubby* likes cauliflower so I did some Pinterest digging last week and found a recipe that sounded reasonable. Spoiler alert: I LOVED IT! Also, it is loaded with a bunch of stuff so that’s probably why… Pro tip: You can make all sorts of food you’re not crazy about actually great when you douse it in cheese and bacon!! :D Don’t judge.

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