Posts tagged loaded cauliflower bake
Everything's Better with Cheese: Loaded Cauliflower

I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve had a rough time jumping on the cauliflower bandwagon. I’ve tried roasting cauliflower a few times and I’ve just not mastered it and there are so many other veggies I DO like roasted that I just haven’t made as much of an effort. We’ve tried mashed cauliflower a total of like 2 maybe 3 times and it’s just no… Darrell really liked it but I can’t get into it and then it smells weird in my opinion. But I know how much my *hubby* likes cauliflower so I did some Pinterest digging last week and found a recipe that sounded reasonable. Spoiler alert: I LOVED IT! Also, it is loaded with a bunch of stuff so that’s probably why… Pro tip: You can make all sorts of food you’re not crazy about actually great when you douse it in cheese and bacon!! :D Don’t judge.

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