Took a Little Break


How cute is this pup steering the boat?? Okay, maybe not steering, but he’s clearly the captain. And now for a completely unrelated post… I hope you had a weekend full of rest and fun! I took a few days “off” from the blog for the first time in months and it was much needed. As I ramp up for some of the new content I’ve been working on, I just want to talk about a little of everything today..?

What a Time to Be Alive

I know so many are faced with difficult decisions right now and we’re all feeling the pressures of prolonged pandemic, a major election year and all the issues facing society that weigh on our hearts. I pray that this week is a productive one for you and that it sheds some light on answers you’re seeking and that we can all remember to show mercy and grace to those around us!

Side Note About the Survey

I am so grateful for the responses to my reader survey last week. I really do hope my blog is a source of inspiration and new ideas, information and encouragement. If there’s ever a post you’d like to read from The Amateur Apron, I’d love to hear your requests!

A Few of My Current Favorite Things

  1. These reusable water bottles! I can’t get enough of these! Well not bottles themselves, four seems to be a good amount for me right now… but filtered water from a reusable glass bottle just says so fresh and pure! I don’t know what it is about glass but it seems to make all beverages better! The price is currently marked down so get ‘em while they’re hot!! One of our best couple friends influenced me after they purchased some a while back and have loved them!

  2. This mixing bowl. It is perfect when using a hand mixer because of the tall sides. I also love that it comes to lid… so it is great for mixing up foods that you cook later (think around the holidays when you’re whipping up 947 delicious items.) Mine was given to me as a Christmas gift years ago and it continues to be one of my favorite kitchen items.

  3. Cranberry Vanilla Sprite. Yes, you read that correctly. Sonic is the place to order one. So as a teenager/early college years, I worked at Lee’s Famous Recipe in my hometown. I actually worked there with my sister, tons of friends from school and youth group and the owners were family friends from church so it was honestly kind of a blast working there, looking back anyway. But at some point in my tenure there, we all got hooked on making a Sonic run during happy hour (if you are unaware, happy hour at sonic is 2-4pm which is when you can get half-priced drinks and some other items) and we’d make up these drink concoctions. Another good one is Raspberry Vanilla Sprite. Anyway, something made me want a yummy beverage this afternoon as we left a meeting with our CPA and we drove to the closest Sonic and now I want another, I know already. It’s crazy. But seriously, you should give it a try!

  4. Whipped Ricotta. Can’t stop. Won’t stop y’all. It’s just so darn good. Get my “recipe” for it here.