Posts tagged favorites
Took a Little Break

How cute is this pup steering the boat?? Okay, maybe not steering, but he’s clearly the captain. And now for a completely unrelated post… I hope you had a weekend full of rest and fun! I took a few days “off” from the blog for the first time in months and it was much needed. As I ramp up for some of the new content I’ve been working on, I just want to talk about a little of everything today..?

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Walmart Favorites I Missed While Living in NYC

Kind of a weird topic for this month’s Friday Favorites post, but while grocery shopping in our new town, I realized how much I missed about Walmart while living in NYC! Lol - it’s true!! There were a few things in particular that while maybe available in NYC, we struggled to find them, so needless to say, Walmart brings me so much joy these days!!

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5 Fiction Books I Highly Recommend

Hi friends!! It’s been a while since I’ve had a “Friday Favorites” segment on the blog! These posts happen once a month (first Friday of each month although this is the first month I’m jumping back into this type of post in a while) and they’re a place for me to gush about some favorites: whatever that might look like! This month, I’m channeling my inner bookworm to bring you some reading suggestions!

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November "Friday Favorites"

One of the ideas I want to include going forward is a monthly post about some of my current favorites! This could be anything from an ingredient for recipes, music, bloggers I enjoy following, or businesses I like to support! These posts will go out on the first Friday of each month and just serve as another way to hopefully connect with you!

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