Posts tagged books
What I'm Currently Reading

Wow. June 30th. We have made it a full 6 months, or half way, through 2020. Wild times. I set a goal back in January to read 30 books this year. Last year was the first year I made such a reading goal, hoping to finish 12 books. I think I ended 2019 with 24 books read, beating my goal twice over unexpectedly! While that was crazy exciting, I know me and I know 48 books over the course of 2020 isn’t super realistic but 30 sounded reasonable. Given the nature of 2020 thus far, I think it’s reasonable that I’m not quite on track with this year’s reading goal. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try anyway! So far, I have read 4/30 and started like 3 or 4 more than I just haven’t been able to finish either due to all of life’s distractions in this season or just lack of interest in some of the books.

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5 Fiction Books I Highly Recommend

Hi friends!! It’s been a while since I’ve had a “Friday Favorites” segment on the blog! These posts happen once a month (first Friday of each month although this is the first month I’m jumping back into this type of post in a while) and they’re a place for me to gush about some favorites: whatever that might look like! This month, I’m channeling my inner bookworm to bring you some reading suggestions!

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November "Friday Favorites"

One of the ideas I want to include going forward is a monthly post about some of my current favorites! This could be anything from an ingredient for recipes, music, bloggers I enjoy following, or businesses I like to support! These posts will go out on the first Friday of each month and just serve as another way to hopefully connect with you!

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