3 Tips to Help You Drink More Water


We are going on one month into our new healthy living journey and one of the best new habits I’ve developed thus far is drinking more water! It honestly doesn’t seem like a “chore” at all anymore! So what’s the trick? It’s nothing magical, I’ve just found a couple of things that work for me! Here are the 3 ways I’ve started incorporating more water into my daily routine!

  1. 1 Liter Bottles of Water - Seriously. I don’t know what it is about these giant bottles of water but it helps me more than any other water bottle I’ve tried. A liter bottle of water is basically 4 cups of water. So once I drink 1/4, I know I’ve drank a cup and once I get past 1/4 it’s like this subconscious challenge of how fast can I drink the full bottle. Weird, but it works for me! In Kentucky, I’d buy the off brand from Sams Club but here we just stick with Smart Water. Darrell prefers the taste of Smart Water to the off brand; I don’t seem to notice much of a difference.

  2. Drink Half Your Daily Water Before Lunch - So there are different opinions on how much water you should drink, but it may seem daunting or confusing and if you’re not used to drinking much water in the first place, it may seem hard to achieve. That’s okay though, start with the classic recommendation of 8 cups a day and if you want / need to drink more, work up to it over time. If you’re trying to drink 8 cups of water in a day, that’s only 2 bottles of the liter size water! If you drink one bottle before lunch, you’re well on your way to drinking the rest of your water in that day.

  3. Keep Water at Your Desk - Mindless drinking / eating is SO A THING! Darrell and I have cracked up at just how quickly we have downed a liter of water subconsciously while working! When I worked an office job, I would try to use my Apple watch’s hourly reminder to stand as an opportunity to refill my cup at the water cooler - that way I would move by body and remember to keep drinking the water in my cup. Since working from home, and discovering my love for 1 liter water bottles, I just use the bottles to keep pushing through my daily water goal.

I’ve linked a selection of different liter bottled water options below!

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What has helped you drink more water? What’s your favorite brand of water? I’d love to hear YOUR tips and suggestions!!