Posts in Food
Destin Weekend Restaurant Recap

Ahh vacation! So many amazing meals I couldn’t wait to tell you all about! We had a wonderful few days away and I’m honestly sad how quickly it came to a close. Overall, Destin seemed packed but there were a few places that didn’t seem as busy as you’d imagine. It was weird. Some places we had long waits to be seated and others we walked right in and had our pick of tables. But we ate tons of good food so let’s get right to it!

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Cranberry Apple Slaw

Looking for a refreshing summer side dish? Look no further! This cranberry apple slaw is cool and tasty! I only recent tried slaws of any sort and it makes me wonder what I ever thought I wouldn’t like about them lol! I love dried cranberries in salads so this recipe caught my eye. I love the different textures in this slaw and how colorful it is!

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Pineapple Shrimp

Doesn’t the taste of pineapple just transport you to somewhere warmer?? Well it does for me, anyway! Growing up, my mom would bake this pineapple chicken dish every once in a while and it was a favorite for everyone in the house! Darrell is allergic to poultry so I don’t cook mom’s pineapple chicken for us but we recently started experimenting with shrimp and pineapple!

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Gluten Free Favorites at Trader Joe's

We shop at Trader Joe’s A LOT here in NYC and they have some awesome gluten free items! Here’s a quick round up of just a few of my favorites.

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Our New Favorite Side Dish

Our new favorite side dish!! These carrots have become quite the repeat dish lately! In fact, I think we had them with two meals this week and one last week! The flavor is fantastic and it’s simple enough that we typically have everything for the glaze on hand and I now just whip up the glaze with what looks about right for the number of carrots we’re roasting - it’s pretty fool proof!

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The Dish So Good We Cooked it 3 Nights in a Row

Y’all already know risotto is our favorite. We love how you can dress it up or keep it simple and therefore we love trying to new risotto recipes any chance we get. One of our new favorites is a red wine + goat cheese take on this Italian comfort food. I love trying different cheeses in risotto and I wasn’t sure if goat cheese would really “work” in this dish but IT DOES!! And if you’re not a huge fan of goat cheese, I think you’d probably still like this risotto because it’s not in your face with the goat cheese flavor!

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Pulled Pork Tacos

This weekend, we broke out the Crockpot! I hadn’t used it in quite a while but had found a recipe for slow cooker pulled pork and wanted to give it a try. Y’all this was so good! And it gave us enough to eat on for lunches for a couple days!

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