Worried About Time

A heavier subject / more vulnerable blog post today than my typical content... The pandemic has impacted each of us in different ways but I believe if we were to compare notes, we’d see we share some struggles. For me personally, I know it’s caused a lot of fear and worry in my life surrounding the “timing” of certain things I had hoped and planned for in 2020. To be really real, that goes beyond the impact of coronavirus for me and includes other major factors: moving and then moving again, going through a major career shift and more, dictating how 2020 is playing out. I don’t say that to say my situation is unique, although it’s “different", but to say I see you - I see you standing in the midst of a year that is crazy because of coronavirus + X,Y,Z… Life is tough with all the other battles we face, let alone adding a pandemic to the mix. I’ve witnessed many loved ones (and total strangers too) face things like job loss, prolonged unemployment, loneliness, sickness, death of people close to people I know. All of those things are incredibly difficult and let’s be real… they’re devastating events/seasons of life.

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Guide to Planning Your Wedding Registry

I could talk about weddings all day, every day. I absolutely love them. I had so much fun planning our wedding and even when we had to completely “re-plan” on extremely short notice, I was on such a creative high just soaking up all the details. I know multiple sweet ladies who recently said “yes” and it got me thinking, I have so many more wedding-related posts I could write for the blog to provide tips and ideas! If you’re recently engaged or hoping to be one day, this post is my letter to you!! 😉 The wedding registry tends to be one of the fun but sometimes confusing or daunting tasks during the engagement season so I am sharing this guide to answer some bridal questions.

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Took a Little Break

How cute is this pup steering the boat?? Okay, maybe not steering, but he’s clearly the captain. And now for a completely unrelated post… I hope you had a weekend full of rest and fun! I took a few days “off” from the blog for the first time in months and it was much needed. As I ramp up for some of the new content I’ve been working on, I just want to talk about a little of everything today..?

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Saturday Thoughts

Any guesses on what we cooked for dinner tonight?? If you guessed something that starts with a “R” and ends with “isotto” then ding ding ding! We have a winner. 😂 It wasn’t the meal we had planned to cook tonight but it was a rainy, gloomy day and we both wanted it instead of the alternative! In many ways, today was a wonderful, relaxing “sabbath” day. We slept in (yay no alarms!) and had a slow morning. I made my favorite easy GF biscuit recipe and I somehow failed miserably but ate them anyway lol!

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Tavern and Table

We took a little adventure to Mount Pleasant today and enjoyed a waterfront, socially distant dinner. We basically made a little date out of going to a different part of the state for a brief meeting. We figured, why not check out a restaurant and make the most of the 6 hours on the road? I reached out to a new IG friend, Brittney, who provided us with some awesome recommendations. We went with one of her suggestions, Tavern & Table on Shem Creek. We were thoroughly impressed with their social distancing precautions and their food!!

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Requesting Your Feedback!

Hi friends! It’s cleary been a crazy day because I’m just now getting today’s post up but it’s a fun one because I’m seeking your feedback! Today marks 100 days since I started publishing content DAILY on the blog and social! It’s a huge achievement for me personally because I set a goal back in the spring that I wanted to blog every day for 90 days consecutively. If I could meet that goal, I would evaluate. Well, I’ve surpassed that goal and now I want to take a moment to collect a little data from you guys, my sweet internet friends! This will help me get a better idea of how to serve you with the best possible content and in the best way, at the best times going forward!

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Summer Treat Roundup

While the beginning of the school year tends to signal the kickoff of “fall” we’re technically only a little past the halfway point in summer (I googled it, apparently halfway was 8/5 lol). Luckily this means lots more time for summer sweet treats! Today, I’m rounding up the summer desserts I’ve enjoyed making thus far - including one of the most popular posts on The Amateur Apron, my delicious gluten free recipe for a classic ice cream treat!

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The Amateur Apron Playlists

Guess what!! I made a Spotify account for The Amateur Apron so I could share my curated playlists with you! I take playlists seriously and there’s pretty much nothing better than finding a new one I really enjoy! If you love a little of everything when it comes to music, I hope you’ll follow TAA on Spotify as I continue to share more of my personal playlists for everything from risotto night to our wedding music, to feel good jams and more!

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